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Pelez et coupez l'ail en fines lamelles.
Pelez les echalotes et emincez-les dans le sens de la longueur.
Coupez le poulet en morceaux assez fins.
Faites dorer les graines de sesame dans une poele anti-adhesive sans matiere grasse.
Faire chauffer l'huile dans un wok et y faire dorer l'ail. Faire frire brievement en remuant.
Ajouter ensuite le poulet, bien remuer et laisser cuire trois minutes.
Ajoutez la sauce soja et la puree de piment. Remuez.
Ajoutez les echalotes et laissez cuire deux minutes.
Faites cuires les pates (moi j'ai utilise des pates au mais) et egouttez-les.
Lorsque le poulet est cuit, deposez les pates dans des bols, ajoutez le poulet, parsemez de graines de sesame, ajoutez une feuille de coriandre et servez aussitot.
Although I don't understand the language, but I can tell from the ingredients, the dish tastes super good with garlic. "Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; Garlic makes it GOOOOOOOOOOD ~Alice May Brock
Alice May Brock is right! Here's what she says about good food:
"Good food is food you eat with your friends, when everybody is having a good time. So making sure that everyone is having a good time is the key to a successful meal."
Yes indeed, finding or making those slurpy, crunchy, satisfying noodles is not the easiest thing in the world! But they're nutritious, inexpensive, darn tasty and beautiful as well! We gotta fight for it!
12 comentarii:
Iiimmmm, da! Si sosul de soia e preferatul meu. Super reteta!
ma bucur ca-ti surade.
Pofta buna!
Interesanta reteta, mai ales ca-mi plac si sosul de soia si semintele de susan.
gand la gand cu bucurie.
Pe unde am vazut reteta asta,
am gasit si o multime de declaratii de dragoste facute susanului si sosului de soia!
Although I don't understand the language, but I can tell from the ingredients, the dish tastes super good with garlic.
"Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; Garlic makes it GOOOOOOOOOOD ~Alice May Brock
Angie's Recipes
Alice May Brock is right!
Here's what she says about good food:
"Good food is food you eat with your friends, when everybody is having a good time. So making sure that everyone is having a good time is the key to a successful meal."
je vais essayer merci!
c'est avec immense plaisir.
Nice Blog. Congrats.
-Zakir Ali ‘Rajnish’
{ Secretary-TSALIIM & SBAI }
[Editor- Children’s Poem & Adult’s Poem]
Science Bloggers Association,
thank you very much!
we have a similar dish in indonesia, but i love the addition of sesame in this dish...yummm...the challenge for me is finding the perfect noodles ^_^
@ Mochachocolata Rita
Yes indeed, finding or making those slurpy, crunchy, satisfying noodles is not the easiest thing in the world! But they're nutritious, inexpensive, darn tasty and beautiful as well! We gotta fight for it!
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