Am luat reteta minunata de
Intai, am achizitionat cateva borcanele:

Am pregatit ceapa si usturoiul,

le-am pus la calit, am pus si ghimbirul,

am taiat rosia (desigur ca in opt bucati, nici mai mult, nici mai putin),



Am pus rosiile si pasta in oala,

si peste tot am turnat apa fierbinte.

Am lasat sa fiarba, apoi au venit la rand puiul

si ciupercile:

Pana s-au inmuiat si acestea,

au sosit frunzele de kaffir lime:

frumoase si parfumate. Impreuna cu ele, un pachet conceput special pentru supa in chestiune, pe care am sa-l folosesc cu maxima bucurie data viitoare:

Rezulta o zeama buna de tot!
17 comentarii:
It looks very Thai, wonderful!
always love tom yum flavors, with anything. i love how you use chicken on this :)
Tom Yum soup is the favourite soup of my family. We love the Tom Yum Khong (Prawn) soup.
I do not cook from scratch like you, just from a bottle of Instant paste. Raw materials like tamarind and lemon is too expensive here in New Zealand.
Where did you learn to cook like this? Very Authentic. We went to bangkok and love the soup.
Thanks for visiting my site. I don't do many food blogs.
Ann :)
Sorry, in my last comment, I mean lemon grass. not lemon. We do get some fresh ones, but they are expensive. Once I tried to grow them, but they died.
Today, in an Indian shop, I saw dried ones.
I don't bother, I used to grow so much in Singapore. We use them for cooking curry too.
What about lamb shanks? Do you cook them?
Good chatting with you.
I am no good cook, I am not careful. I just cook.
@ KennyT
I'm glad you think that it looks Thai, I love their cuisine!
@ Mochachocolata Rita
This was my first Tom Yum Soup, but I'll cook it again very soon now, cause it's way too good!
@ Ann
I'll surely try the Tom Yum Khong as soon as possible, I'm convinced that's marvellous.
Usually there is no fresh Tamarind nor Lemongrass on the market here, but we are making our best using what we've got.
My cooking are due to blogs like yours, that are a true inspiration to me.
I've already cooked lamb shanks the Romanian way (it's a recipe called "Stufat", but I haven't posted it yet) and I'll surely try it your way.
Good chatting with you too.
Big hug!
Thanks for your visit and for your nice comment!
These seem wonderful! My mouth is watering! Lol!
Have a nice week!
Hello, M. Céu Fernandes!
I'm delighted you liked it!
Thank you for visiting.
Greetings from Bucharest!
Mummm!!! mais quelle couleur, je sens l'odeur délicieuse, et j'en ai l'eau à la bouche!
Looks good:)
@ Nadiaher
T'as deviné tout:
j'ai apprécié pleinement son odeur agréable et son goût délicieux.
@ Chitra
Thank you very much,
it tastes good too!
ce bine rata
multumesc! In plus, are un gust deosebit, merita incercata.
Cred ca ma abonez la tine, poate asa invat si eu sa gatesc cum trebuie! :)
Eu m-am apucat tarziu de sportul asta si s-a intamplat cand am inceput sa contemplu minute in sir ingredientele insirate prin bucatarie, fiindca imi placea pur si simplu cum aratau. Cam asta a fost. Oricum, iti doresc succes!
Pari betoanî zama, uăi...
Da-i chiar buna, zau ca! "Zeama Thai" suna ca lumea!
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